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Dear Parents,

first of all, I hope they are all healthy and doing well under the circumstances!

It is a difficult situation for all of us, because we are suddenly in the middle of a worldwide crisis that nobody expected. It almost seems like the world is being brought to a pause and we are all just virtually connected.

Positive aspects of the Corona crisis…

In spite of everything, there is also something good in it, because we spend time with our loved ones – perhaps more than we would like;-). Perhaps reconnect with old friends, worry and care more about our family. Stop and reflect on the essentials away from consumption and socialising.

Corona virus picture from CDC

..but unfortunately also many negative aspects

But of course this crisis has strong economic consequences, which some may already be feeling. Of course, we at the daycare center also have to engage in crisis management. The first week everything was cleaned, tidied and put in order, but of course we can’t do that for 5 weeks. In the 2nd week all employees have been given paid time off and in the Week 3, everyone brings in a week of vacation. So we try to accommodate each other and find the best possible solution for everyone.

Updated services and closing times in summer

Of course I also know that it must be very unsatisfactory for the parents to pay for a service that they cannot use, so to accommodate our parents I have cancelled everyone’s meal costs.
We will also be reducing our closing time in August for 2 weeks to one week, as I am sure many parents will now have to take holidays as they do not have childcare.

Together and with each other

So let’s all support and accommodate each other in this difficult time, as we always do at the Farm Kita, so that everything can continue well after the Corona crisis.

Best regards and have a nice day in spite of everything!
Keep well!

Yours, Helli Wunderlich-Steger

Photo of the plane with Corona banner in the blue sky was taken by Amelie Niklas Ohlrogge.