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089 215 874 85
Love and care

We not only provide our children with love and care, we also see ourselves as a service provider for parents and children.


Flexible booking times

Maximum flexibility in childcare

In addition to our app for you, the Bauernhof Kita uses its own software to record booking times correctly and in a time-saving manner. This allows us to charge for all booking hours during the week and only charge you for additional hours if you actually exceed your weekly booking time.

We know that flexibility is important for you or for your work and that's why we are flexible too!

Our unique booking system allows us to offer you as much flexibility as possible and different childcare times on different days are no problem at all for us. We want to provide you with the best possible support, which is why we offer you numerous services and are always open to all your wishes and needs.

Additional services

In order to provide you as parents with the best possible support, we offer numerous additional services, which can be booked for a fee as required.

These services include, among others:

  • Nutritional and educational advice
  • Children’s birthday parties are organized by us and can also be celebrated in our rooms
  • and much more, talk to us!

Care from big to very, very small

In addition to our holistic care for schoolchildren from lunchtime to the evening, baby care is a novelty - even for the very, very little ones from the age of eight weeks!

We initially offer childcare for school children up to the age of 12 three days a week with lunch, homework supervision, free play and creative activities. You can find out more in our service overview.

Crèche for the little ones

Since 2008, our nursery has been accepting babies from the age of 8 weeks, who are lovingly cared for by our empathetic teachers. In these years we have already gained a lot of experience and are baby specialists, so to speak.

If we have babies under one year old in the group, we even reduce the group size or add a fourth caregiver. Everything to ensure loving care for your baby. Talk to us or register your very, very young child right away.

If you only want the best for your baby, you’ve come to the right place!


Please use our contact area to register. All prices can be found on our detailed information pages.