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“Animals and small children are the mirror of nature.”

(Epicurus of Samos)


Enchanting location

Munich’s first and only farm daycare center was built on a former farm near Lake Feldmoching, nestled in meadows and fields.

Our crèche and kindergarten rooms are housed in an architectural gem that allows plenty of light, space and a connection with nature outside.

Give your child the opportunity to grow up in harmony with nature and to develop naturally, naturally and therefore truly freely!

Our farm daycare center is located in rural Feldmoching in the north of Munich, yet close to the city. The children can get to know our animals, teachers and group members in a quiet environment surrounded by greenery on a total area of 7000 square meters.A nearby wooded area invites you to go for a walk and hide and holds many a surprise. The Feldmochinger See lake is in the immediate vicinity, so that migratory birds can be observed and forays can be undertaken all year round. Our beds and fruit trees are tended together with the children and the harvest is processed together. Depending on the season, you can get to know insects in the flower meadow or use our small hill for sledging.

The children benefit particularly from our focus on animal and nature education and learn to take responsibility in everyday life, to overcome fears, to discover the world with all their senses and to deal sustainably with nature and the resources available to us, in line with our motto:

"When we explore, build and experiment, experience the world with all our senses and make animal and human friends - it makes children's souls smile!"

These experiences are open to the children at the farm daycare center so that they can develop freely and can be lovingly introduced to new activities or tasks. A quote from Gerald Hüter expresses our endeavor to live nature education intensively with the children particularly well:

" Out. Out there is everything that has to be painstakingly pieced together inside - out there is movement, there is language, there is social competence, there is science!"


We take a lot of time for you and your child, because we want you to feel completely at ease.

The acclimatization to the crèche is the basis for a good crèche education.

If the acclimatization process does not go well or is not carried out properly from a pedagogical point of view, the child will continue to have problems during its time in the crèche. These can be, for example, that the child experiences great pain during the separation and cannot be comforted all day. However, it can also manifest itself much later, for example as a disruption in the bond and relationship with other people or partners.

That’s why acclimatization is particularly important to us.

The acclimatization process follows the Berlin model and takes about four weeks. We acclimatize a maximum of two children in a group at the same time. We schedule the children’s start of the day differently so that we can give each child and their parent enough time and attention.


The Bauernhof Kita provides the best possible food for your children at all meals, paying attention to fair trade and using only 100% organic quality, preferably from regional production.

A healthy, balanced diet in childhood is the basis for health and physical development. In addition, nutritional behavior is significantly shaped at this age and the foundation for eating habits in adulthood is formed. This creates the basis for a healthy adulthood in childhood.

We guarantee this through a mixed kitchen, which is supervised by our long-standing cook or housekeeper. This means that we cook completely fresh for your children several times a week. Two days a week we serve meat or meat and fish, simply because we can offer the most vitamin- and nutrient-rich food for your children. We source this menu component from Hofmann Menü: Hofmann Menü has received the DLG’s “Best in Gold” award for 23 years now, inspired by the 2014 Caterer of the Year IL CIELO from Wessling.

For your children, we only use melamine tableware from Rice, which is free from plasticizers and particularly food-safe.

In addition to the well-being of your little ones, we also want to take care of the producers of our food, nature and our environment – with sustainable nutrition today for an intact world for your children tomorrow.

Our quality standards:

  • We cook 100% organic quality every day
  • We avoid ready-made and convenience products as far as possible
  • We do not use food with flavor enhancers, colorants and preservatives
  • We only process cane sugar
  • We prefer to buy meat and sausage products from our organic butchers in the region
  • We pay attention to predominantly lean meat products from species-appropriate animal husbandry
  • We only use olive and rapeseed oil for the low-fat preparation of dishes and salads
  • Our cuisine is original and of high nutritional value
  • We treat food with respect and care
  • We operate responsibly and sustainably
  • We prefer fair trade and organic farmers in the region
  • When cooking, we pay attention to careful and gentle preparation
  • The menu adapts to the seasons
  • Favorite dishes return again and again


The farm daycare center in Munich-Feldmoching opened in September 2015 as the first of its kind in Munich. The focus here is on animal and nature education, movement and creativity. On a fabulous 7,000 square meters of open space, the children have plenty of room to develop and the opportunity to grow up in harmony with nature and animals.

In both bilingual daycare centers, children are not only well cared for, supported and educated by above-average qualified staff with a high childcare ratio, but numerous child-related services are also offered.

Due to our long opening hours, we offer extremely flexible childcare with the highest standards of pedagogy, psychology, age-appropriate support, a child-friendly atmosphere and healthy nutrition, especially for busy parents.

As we are able to take care of all the child’s concerns and thus give parents the freedom they need, the remaining parent-child free time can be spent and enjoyed in a quality, stress-free manner and focused on your child or children.

With only 20 closing days a year (Christmas and 2 weeks in August), we also try to meet your needs.

Pedagogical concept

The educational concept is based on the Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan (BEP) and the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act (BayKiBiG). In doing so, the educational, childcare and care tasks should be in a balanced relationship to one another, so that holistic and comprehensive support of the individual child in the group is guaranteed.

The pedagogical concept of the Child Care Company is based on scientific knowledge of early childhood development, based on Beller’s infant pedagogical model, the Montessorian approach of the educator as companion and the child as “master builder of himself”, enriched by the experiences of Pikler.

A development-centered view of the child assumes that all development is open, whereby each child is granted a high degree of self-determination and autonomy. Our work in the kindergarten is based on Friedrich Fröbel’s pedagogical principle of play as a typical child’s way of life.

The most important cornerstones of our educational concept:

  • Respect for the child’s personality and individual pace of development
  • Individuality and strengths of the child as a starting point for supporting the child
  • Emotional embedding
  • Mindful attention
  • Linguistic accompaniment of the child’s activities
  • Close observation of the child and their stage of development
  • Clear rules and boundaries that enable social coexistence
  • Educational partnership with parents, based on intensive exchange, creates transparency for all parties involved, especially in the organized networking of all services “from a single source”

The children should feel safe and secure, always have partners available to build relationships and an appropriate bond, make friends, find a manageable and reliable daily structure and dependable social and emotional conditions, learn to organize their time, test their own abilities, develop interests, experience help in overcoming problems and have a fixed point of contact in expanding their living environment on the way to independence and also as preparation for kindergarten and school entry.

Bilingual education

Bilingual simply with fun –
Learning languages according to the immersion principle

The method in everyday implementation

Children learn a second language in everyday life like their own mother tongue – playfully and without pressure according to the immersion principle.

Immersion is the immersion in a “language bath”. Immersion does not mean language teaching, but that the children discover the new language in their own natural way.
The focus of this method is always on conveying content through communication. The focus on immersive teaching is not overwhelming because the language is not made the subject and grammar and vocabulary are not the main focus. Everything that is said is supported with facial expressions, gestures and pointing. Immersion is the most widely recognized method of teaching languages in the world.

  • Morning circle
  • Role play
  • Finger play and songs
  • Picture book viewing
  • Read aloud
  • Everyday communication
  • One person = One language
  • As natural and early contact with the English language as possible
  • Long-term promotion of cognitive development through early acquisition of another language
  • Positive influence also on learning the mother tongue

The immersion principle – an opportunity for your child’s future in a globalized world!


Care, sleep and nutrition

The care area is particularly important for the physical and emotional well-being of the crèche child. He gives the little child a sense of security and trust and helps him to find a new home in the crèche. For this reason, personal hygiene, respecting the need for sleep and rest and meals are of fundamental importance in the Child Care Company nursery.

Body care

So that the child can develop a natural relationship with its body and its functions, we allow sufficient time for personal hygiene every day. Changing times are adapted to the individual rhythm of the toddler. In addition, the bathroom with the element of water is also a support area for us.

Need for sleep and rest

Sufficient sleep – like satisfying the natural urge to move – is an important prerequisite for a child’s healthy development. However, the need for sleep varies from person to person, and age is only a very general guide. The child should experience sleeping as something beautiful and calming. Every child has their own sleeping or resting place, which they can furnish with personal items such as a pacifier, teddy bear or doll. The teachers at our crèche ensure that the children have an age-appropriate daily routine.

Healthy diet

We source our products from regional organic partners and cook fresh, carefully and environmentally consciously. We treat our food with respect and care. We grow and use vegetables, salad and fruit in our farm daycare center garden. We ensure a calm and relaxed atmosphere at mealtimes. All the children help with the preparation and tidying up, which strengthens the group spirit.

Goals & implementation

Our specialists support the children in perceiving and realizing their own needs, expressing their feelings, trying things out, developing their own initiative and independence, helping and accepting help.

They live with others in a group and learn to recognize rights, duties and rules, to take responsibility, to deal with conflicts, to make decisions and to respect them. They can develop self-confidence and trust in their own abilities.
Our team encourages the children’s curiosity and creativity, their ability to build, construct and experiment.

In kindergarten, children are gradually prepared for starting school. The children should learn to orient themselves in space and time, to develop an awareness of their own body, personal hygiene, well-being and health.

Philosophy - Our guiding principles 

  • Development of emotional and social skills through a positive self-image.
  • Development of cognitive skills by encouraging children’s urge to explore and their own initiative – children are motivated to explore the world for themselves.
  • Speech and language – our most important means of communication.
    Basic mathematical and scientific understanding through the perception of time sequences, spatial dimensions and natural phenomena.
  • Movement – one of the most important components of a child’s life.
  • Perception training is training, differentiation and development of the senses.
  • Preschool development – becoming familiar with numbers, colors, shapes and letters through play.

Child and career without compromise?

We can support you!

As a mother of three children, I am very familiar with the challenges, demands and needs that a working mother faces. Therefore, my vision is to support you as much as possible so that you can give your child the best possible care even in positions of responsibility.

Sponsorship of the farm daycare center

The “Haus für Kinder” – the Bauernhof Kita – is a private facility run by the managing director of Child Care Company Centers GmbH, Helli Wunderlich-Heun, and is subject to the legal principles of the BayKiBiG (Bavarian Child Education and Care Act).