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Emergency care in the farm nursery

Dear Parents,

The current situation is and has been very stressful and draining for all involved.

In the emergency care it was a great concern for us to offer the children security, structure and stability, because children need a well-structured daily routine for orientation and to find their way in the world. Recurring rituals also play an important role. Thus, even in emergency care, much emphasis was placed on the morning circle and current topics were discussed.
Our educational activities were mostly offered outside, as nature is the best place to get creative and explore the environment.

The animals were and are also an important support for the children during this time. With them, anxiety can be better relieved, stress reduced, and important bonds formed. The animals give the children a sense of security and the activities involved, such as feeding, mucking out and petting, are important tasks for the children. You give them responsibility for their own actions and in the process their self-esteem and independence is encouraged.

It was also very important for us to celebrate festivals such as carnival with the children, as these are also part of the rituals and always bring great joy to the children. We have tried to bring a little bit of their daycare home to the children at home through offers e.g. yoga, sports, songs or creative activities in our famlyApp and thus to involve them in it.

Kind regards

Helli Wunderlich-Steger