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Yoga in the farm daycare center

Kinderyoga in der Bauernhof Kita - ein handgemaltes Poster was dort alles stattfindet

We in our farm daycare center have started to offer yoga to the children on a regular basis. The children can register and participate twice a week with a registration system.

“Under the open sky” – our farm daycare center in the SZ

The Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) also reported on the opening of our farm daycare center in the article “Under the open sky” about the idea and the creation of the kindergarten: Goats, guinea pigs, rabbits, vegetable patches: at Munich’s first farm daycare center near the Feldmochinger See lake, children learn how to interact with and respect […]

Little farmers wanted!

Yeah, we still have places available! We have barely reopened and our farm is already a hive of activity again: playing, building, planting and grooming. But a few children are still allowed to come! In concrete terms, this means that applications will be accepted again.

Corona Time – we try to make the best of it!

Dear parents, First of all, I hope that they are all healthy and doing well under the circumstances! It is a difficult situation for all of us, because we are suddenly in a global crisis that nobody expected. It almost seems as if the world has been brought to a standstill and we are all […]